Turkana - Bibliography |
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Amin, Mohamed
Cradle of Mankind
Nairobi, Kenya: Camerapix, 1989Amin, Mohamed
The Beautiful People of Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: Camerapix, 1989anon
A booklet (undated, no author given) published by the Consolata Fathers, Nairobi, presumably in the late 1970sBarrett, Anthony J.
Ngiturkana Ka Ngitieng Kec: Turkana and their Wildlife
Nairobi, Kenya: self-published, 1995Barrett, Anthony J.
Turkana Iconography: Desert Nomads and their Symbols
Lodwar, Kenya: self-published, 1997Barrett, Anthony Joseph
Sacrifice and Prophecy in Turkana Cosmology
Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications Africa, 1998Cambridge, T.R.
In the Land of the Turkana
London, UK: Heath Cranton Ltd, 1920Collins, R.O.
The Turkana Patrol
In 1918 Uganda Journal, Vol.25, No.1 March 1961: 16-33Graham, Alistair; Beard, Peter
Eyelids of Morning
Connecticut, USA: New York Graphic Society, 1973Gulliver, P.H.
The Family Herds, a Study of Two Pastoral Tribes in East Africa, the Jie and Turkana
London, UK: Routledge Kegan & Paul, 1955; Constable Publishers, 1964Leakey, Maeve
A Guide to Koobi Fora: The East African Fossil Sites
Nairobi, Kenya: National Museums of Kenya, 1988Leakey, Richard
The Making of Mankind
?, 1981Soper, R.C.
Petroglyphs in Northern Kenya
In Azania III (1968), pp.189-91Soper, Robert; Lynch, Mark
The Stone-Circle Graves at Ng'amoritung'a, Southern Turkana District, Kenya
In Azania XII (1977), pp.194-208Spencer, Paul
Nomads in Alliance
London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1973various
Cambridge South Turkana Expedition
Monograph published by Cambridge University (?), 1980Von Höhnel, Ludwig
The Discovery of Lake Rudolf and Lake Stefanie
London, UK: Frank Cass, 1968Willock, Colin
Africa's Rift Valley
Amsterdam, Netherlands: Time-Life Books, 1974