Ogiek - Bibliography |
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Affecting Performance: Meaning, Movement, and Experience in Okiek Women's Initiation
Washington D.C., USA: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994?
Genres of Power: A Comparative Analysis of Okiek Blessings, Curses and Oaths
In Man (N.S.) 24:299-317. 1989anon
Okiek History
In Kenya Before 1900: Eight Regional Studies (Nairobi, Kenya: East African Publishing House, 1978)Blackburn, Roderic H.
The Okiek and Their History
In Azania IX (1974), pp.139-57Blackburn, Roderic H.
Kenya's People: Okiek
Nairobi, Kenya: Evans Brothers, 1982Masolo, Dismas; Karp, Ivan (eds.)
Forging Unions and Negotiating Ambivalence: Personhood and Complex Agency in Okiek Marriage Arrangement
In African Philosophy and Cultural Inquiry. International African Institute Monograph. Bloomington: Indiana University PressWoodburn, James; Ingold, Tim; Riches, David Riches (eds.)
The Unending Ceremony and a Warm House: Representations of a Patriarchal Ideal and the Silent Complementarity in Okiek Blessings
In Hunter-Gatherers - Property, Power and Ideology, 1988