Luo - Bibliography |
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Adhiambo-Oduol, Jacqueline H.
Cultural Dimensions of Interpretive Strategies: A Linguistic Study of Dholuo Proverbs and Sayings
Paper presented at Kenyan Oral Literature Association (KOLA) Conference, University of Nairobi, 1992Amolo, M.L.
Border Relations Between the Luo of Kisumu Location and the Luyia of Bunyore and South Maragoli Locations 1880-1963
BA Thesis, University of Nairobi, 1972anon
A booklet (undated, no author given) published by the Consolata Fathers, Nairobi, presumably in the late 1970sAnyumba, H.O.
Contemporary Lyres in Eastern Africa
In African Musicology Vol.1, No.1 (eds. A Darkwa & W.A. Omondi). Nairobi, Kenya: Institute of African Studies, September 1983Ayot, Henry Okello
A History of the Luo-Abasuba of Western Kenya from c.AD 1760-1940
Nairobi, Kenya: PhD dissertation, University of Nairobi, 1973; Kenya Literature Bureau, 1979Barker, Eric E.
The Short History of Nyanza
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1975, 1950Chaplin, J.H.
The Prehistoric Rock Art of the Lake Victoria Region
In Azania IX (1974), pp.1-50Evans-Pritchard, E.E.
Ghostly vengeance among the Luo of Kenya
In Man 50 (1950), 133, pp.86-87Hakansson, N. Thomas
Grain, cattle and power: Social processes of intensive cultivation and exchange in pre-colonial western Kenya
In Journal of Anthropological Research, Vol. 50(3), pp. 249-276 (1994)Hauge, Hans-Egil
Luo Religion and Folklore
Oslo/Bergen/Tromsø, Norway: Universitetsforlaget, 1974Hay, M.
Local trade and ethnicity in western Kenya
In African Historical Review 2, no.1, pp.7-12, 1975Kenny, Michael G.
Pre-colonial trade in eastern Lake Victoria
In Azania, XIV, pp.97-107, 1979Kenny, Michael G.
The powers of Lake Victoria
In Anthropos 72, pp.717-33, 1977Kenny, Michael G.
The relation of oral history to social structure in South Nyanza Kenya
In Africa, 47, 3, pp.276-88, 1977Kenny, Michael G.
The Stranger from the Lake: a theme in the history of the Lake Victoria shorelands
In Azania, XVII (1982)Kenny, Michael G.
Salt Trading in Eastern Lake Victoria
In Azania, IX (1974), p.225-28Kollmann, P.
The Victoria Nyanza
London: Swann Sonnenschein and Co. Ltd, 1899Miruka, Okumba
Gender Perspectives in Luo Proverbs, Riddles and Tongue-Twisters
Paper presented at Kenyan Oral Literature Association (KOLA) Conference, University of Nairobi, 1992Ochieng', William
An Outline History of Nyanza up to 1914
Nairobi, Kenya: East Africa Literature Bureau, 1974Ochieng', William R.
Kenya's People: People Round the Lake - Luo
Nairobi, Kenya: Evans Brothers, 1985, 1979Ocholla-Ayayo, A.B.C.
Traditional Ideology and Ethics among the Southern Luo
Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1976Odaga, Asenath Bole
Yesterday's Today
Kisumu, Kenya: Lake Publishers and Enterprises, 1984Ogot, B.A.
Migration and Settlement Among the Southern Luo Peoples
Doctoral Dissertation, London, 1965Ogot, B.A.
History of the Southern Luo, vol. I
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Publishing House, 1967Omondi, W.A.
The Lyre in Luo Society: An Observation
In African Musicology Vol.1, No.1 (eds. A Darkwa & W.A. Omondi). Nairobi, Kenya: Institute of African Studies, University of Nairobi, September 1983Onyango-Ogutu, B; Roscoe, A.A.
Keep My Words: Luo Oral Literature
Nairobi, Kenya: Heinemann/East African Educational Publishers, 1974P'Bitek, Okot
Religion of the Central Luo
Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Literature Bureau, 1971 (repr. 1978)Southall, A.
Lineage Formation among the Luo
In International African Institute Memorandum no.26, London, 1952Were, G.S.
Western Kenya Historical Texts
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1967