Luhya - Bibliography

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Amolo, M.L.
Border Relations Between the Luo of Kisumu Location and the Luyia of Bunyore and South Maragoli Locations 1880-1963
BA Thesis, University of Nairobi, 1972

Angogo, Rachel Msimbi
Linguistic and Attitudinal Factors in the Maintenance of Luyia Group Identity
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, 1980

Western Kenya Historical Texts
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1967

Anyumba, H.O.
Contemporary Lyres in Eastern Africa
In African Musicology Vol.1, No.1 (eds. A Darkwa & W.A. Omondi). Nairobi, Kenya: Institute of African Studies, September 1983

Aswani, H.
Luhya (Bunyore) Oral Literature
In Taban lo Liyong (ed.), Popular Culture in East Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: Longman, 1972

Ayot, Henry Okello
History Texts of the Lake Region of East Africa
Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Literature Bureau, 1977

Barker, E.E.
A Short History of Nyanza
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1950

Bode, C.F.
Leadership and Politics among the Abaluyia of Kenya 1894-1963
Yale University PhD thesis, 1978

Bode, Francis
Anti-Colonial Politics Within the Tribe: The Case of the Abaluyia
In A. Ojuka and R.W. Ochieng (eds), Politics and Leadership in Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1975

Bower, J.R.F.
Notes on the Archaeological Reconnaissance of Mt. Elgon, Kenya
In Azania IX, 1974

Burns, P.
The Trial by Ordeal Among the Bantu-Kavirondo
In Anthropos 5(19):808 (undated)

Burt, Eugene C.
Towards an Art History of the Baluyia of Western Kenya
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Washington, 1980

Chesoni, Z.R.
Divorce and Succession in Luyia Customary Law
East African Journal 4(12), 1968

Cohen, D.W.
The Historical Tradition of Busoga
Clarendon Press, OUP, 1972

Cory, H.
Pre-European tribal organizations in Musoma
Typescript in the library of the University of Dar es Salaam, 1945

Denyer, Dr. Frank
The Lyre in the Northern Kerio District
Nairobi, Kenya: Institute of African Studies seminar, 1980

Dundas, Kenneth R.
The Wawanga and Other Tribes of the Elgon District, British East Africa
In Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 43:19-75, 1913

Hobley, C.W.
Notes on a Journey Around Mt. Masawa or Elgon
In Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, Vol 9:178-185, 1897

Hobley, C.W.
Notes on a Journey Around Mt. Elgon - Nyanza 1896
In Geographical Journal Vol 6, 1897

Hobley, C.W.
Anthropological Studies in Kavirondo and Nandi
In The Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol 33 (July-December 1903)

Kelly, P. (ed)
The Abaluyia
Peoples of Kenya, Book 6, 1968

Kenny, Michael G.
The Stranger from the Lake: a theme in the history of the Lake Victoria shorelands
In Azania, XVII (1982)

Keya, Ruth N.
Bukusu Traditional Law of Marriage and Divorce in the Light of the Recommendation of the Commission on Law of Marriages and Divorces in Kenya
M.A. Thesis, University of Nairobi, 1975

Lusweti, B.M.W.
An Approach to the Study of the Bukusu Religion
Kenya Historical Review 2(2):243-249, 1974

Makila, F.E.
An Outline History of the Babukusu of Western Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Literature Bureau, 1978

Makila, F.E. (ed)
Pan African Journal (Guest-edited issue on Bukusu oral literature including songs, riddles, folk tales, proverbs)
9(3):209-352, 1976

Malusa, J.
The Luyia Way of Death based on the Isukha People of Kakamega District
Nairobi, Kenya: Oxford University Press, 1978

Merritt, John Hilton
A Study of Change of Circumcision Rituals Among the Abaluyia of Bungoma and Kakamega District of Western Kenya Since 1900 AD
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Nairobi, 1976

Mirimo, A.
Luyia Sayings with an English Translation
Nairobi, Kenya: Oxford University Press, 1988

Nandwa, J.
Oral literature among the Abaluyia
MA. thesis, Literature Dept., University of Nairobi, 1976

Ochieng', William
An Outline History of Nyanza up to 1914
Nairobi, Kenya: East Africa Literature Bureau, 1974

Odak, Osaga
Kakapeli and Other recently Discovered Rock Paintings in the Western Highlands of Kenya
In Azania XII (1977), pp.187-92

Osogo, John
The Bride Who Wanted a Special Present and Other Tales from Western Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Literature Bureau, 1966

Osogo, John
A History of the Baluyia
Nairobi, Kenya: Oxford University Press, 1966

Osogo, John
Life in Kenya in the Golden Days: The Baluyia
Nairobi, Kenya: Oxford University Press, 1965

Scully, R.T.K.
Fort Sites of East Bukusu
In Azania IV, 1969

Scully, R.T.K.
The Bantu "Prophets" of Mount Elgon
In Ethnos 35, 1970

Scully, R.T.K.
Bukusu History: Bakhone Clan Traditions
New York, USA: Oneonta, 1972?

Shizuni, Yokoo
Death among the Abaluyia
MA Thesis, Makerere University College, 1966

Simiyu, Vincent G.
Makers of Kenya's History: Elijah Masinde
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Educational Publishers, 1997

Wako, D.M.
The Western Abaluyia and their proverbs
Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Literature Bureau, 1985 (English version)

Wandibba, S. (ed.)
History and Culture in Western Kenya: The People of Bungoma District through Time
Nairobi, Kenya: G.S. Were Press, 1985

Were, Gideon S.
A History of the Abaluyia of Western Kenya: c. 1500-1930
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Publishing House, 1967

Were, Gideon S.
Essays on African Religion in Western Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1977

Whyte, S.R.
Cursing and Pollution: Supernatural Styles in Two Luyia Speaking Groups
In Folk 23:65-80, 1981

Whyte, S.R.
The Widow's Dream: Sex and Death in Western Kenya
In M. Jackson and I. Karp, Personhood and Agency: The Experience of Self and Other in African Cultures (Uppsala: Smithsonian, 1990)

Wolf, J.J. de
Differentiation and Integration in Western Kenya: A Study of Religious Innovation and Social Change among the Bukusu
The Hague, Netherlands: Mouton, 1977

Wolf, J.J. de
Local Leadership in Northwestern Bungoma District, Kenya
In Rural Africana 3:61-78, 1978

Wolf, Jan J. de
Bukusu Tales
Münster, Germany: Lit Verlag, 1995

Wright, Richard
A painted rock shelter on Mt Elgon, Kenya
In Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, Vol. XXVII (or XXVIII?), 1961


Traditional Music & Cultures of Kenya
Copyright Jens Finke, 2000-2003

also by Jens Finke
Chasing the Lizard's Tail - across the Sahara by bicycle - fine art photography