Kalenjin - Bibliography

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A booklet (undated, no author given) published by the Consolata Fathers, Nairobi, presumably in the late 1970s

Barton, Juxon
Notes on the Kipsikis or Lumbwa Tribes of Kenya Colony
In the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 53, 1923

Hobley, C.W.
Anthropological Studies in Kavirondo and Nandi
In The Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol 33 (July-December 1903)

Huntingford, G.W.B.
The Nandi of Kenya, Tribal Control in a Pastoral Society
London, UK: Routledge Kegan & Paul, 1953

Kipkorir, B.E.
Kenya's People: People of the Rift Valley
London, UK: Evans Brothers, 1978

Kipkorir, B.E.; Welbourn, F.B.
The Marakwet of Kenya: A Preliminary Study
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1973

Langley, Mytle S.
The Nandi of Kenya: Life Crisis Rituals in a Period of Change
New York, USA: St. Martin's Press, 1979

Matson, A.T.
Nandi Resistance to British Rule 1890-1906
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Publishing House, 1972

Mwanzi, Henry A.
A History of the Kipsigis
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1977

Ng'osos, David
Tugen Proverbs
Nairobi, Kenya: Phoenix, 1997

Ochieng', William Robert
An Outline History of the Rift Valley of Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1975 (repr. 1982)

Ogot, B.A. (ed.)
The Kalenjin, Kenya Before 1900: Eight Regional Studies
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Publishing House, 1978

Orchardon, Ian Q.
The Kipsigis
Nairobi, Kenya: East African Literature Bureau, 1971

Peristiany, J.G.
The Social Institutions of the Kipsigis
London, UK: Routledge Kegan & Paul, 1964

Snell, G.S.
Nandi Customary Law
Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Literature Bureau, 1954 (repr. 1986)

Sutton, J.E.G.
The Kalenjin
In B.A. Ogot (ed.), Kenya Before 1900 (Nairobi, Kenya: East African Publishing House, 1976)

Sutton, J.E.G.
The Sirikwa: Archaeology and the Kalenjin Traditions
In Uganda Journal 28(1):69-74, 1964

Toweett, Taaitta
Oral (Traditional) History of the Kipsigis
Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Literature Bureau, 1979

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