Gabbra - Bibliography

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Amin, Mohamed
Cradle of Mankind
Nairobi, Kenya: Camerapix, 1989

A booklet (undated, no author given) published by the Consolata Fathers, Nairobi, presumably in the late 1970s

Kjaerland, Gunnar
Culture Change Among the Nomadic Borana of South Ethiopia
Pasadena, California: Fuller Theological Seminary, 1977

Schlee, Gunther
Identities on the Move: Clanship and Pastoralism in Northern Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: Gideon S. Were Press, 1994

Stiles, Daniel
The Gabbra of Northern Kenya: Past and Future
In Kenya Past and Present vol.13, (Nairobi, Kenya: Kenya Museum Society, 1981)

Tablino, Paul; Salvadori, Cynthia (ed.)
Gabra, camel nomads of Northern Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya: Paulines Publications, 1999


Traditional Music & Cultures of Kenya
Copyright Jens Finke, 2000-2003

also by Jens Finke
Chasing the Lizard's Tail - across the Sahara by bicycle - fine art photography